Scroll down and prepare yourself for the ride of your life ~ this, of course, via time slips
The Series
Just Published. The Road trilogy – Part 1
Bradleigh Munk’s, first three books, now collected into one volume.
Book 1:
A Road to Nowhere
The struggles of a dissatisfied office worker navigating several crises of the mind, only to find himself standing at the crossroads of his future.
Book 2:
A Road Back to Indigo
Our heroes are on the road again and looking for adventure. This time, however, there are no guarantees to ensure that they will make it back alive.
Book 3:
A Road Through the Heartland
Time is a fickle bedmate during the best of times. However, when Bradleigh is thrown into the mix, it turns into a battle of wits and a constant falling through fractured timescapes.
Book 4:
The struggles A dead poet from the nineteen century and a neutered mathematician with ties to a Nazi enigma machine. This is just the beginning when Bradleigh is thrown headfirst into history and forced to meet with the voices in his head.
Book 5:
A Road Back to katherine
My editor is working hard to complete the task at hand. Hoping for early 2025 publish date.
Book 6:
A Road Back to Axel
The writing is complete. 230 pages. Time for editing